
A place for you.
With various ministries catering to all generations, we are confident there is a place for you here!

AGES 4-12
ChurchOne Kids is an exciting place for kids to explore, be adventurous, and cultivate boldness and courage - all while having fun! It's where your children can thrive, discovering themselves in God. ChurchOne Kids provides opportunities to learn about Jesus and build a faith that will accompany them throughout their lives!
AGES 13-17
Our Youth Ministry is the ultimate space for every young person to express themselves freely. Our vision for this generation is to experience God, to fortify and nurture their relationship with Him and with one another. We empower young individuals to uncover their identity in God, discover purpose, and boldly share the good news of Christ!

AGES 18-35
We see our young adults as the immediate future for leadership in both the church and broader community. Our mission is simple: to provide a space where young adults can foster genuine relationships with God, discover their leadership potential, and passionately serve others with Christ at the centre.
Our Men's Ministry connects men from all walks of life. We tackle real issues men face, offering support, friendship, mentoring, and a true brotherhood. This is where men can connect, grow together in their faith and practical areas of family life. Our annual men's camp is a fantastic opportunity to meet, share laughs, draw closer to God, and uncover strategies for living purposeful and victorious lives as men.

Our Women's ministry celebrates and uplifts every woman. Built upon a sisterhood where women will find encouragement, kindness, friendship and a place to worship God together in unity. Events held are focussed on bringing you into a deeper relationship with God in a loving and supportive environment.
Our Music & Creative Team's mandate is to unite people in experiencing God's presence with authentic worship. We embrace the biblical truth that worship is a dynamic expression of love and devotion to God. Through mediums such as music, drama, arts, and technology, we amplify the eternal truths of Scripture. "Sing to the Lord a new song; play skilfully, and shout for joy" (Psalm 33:3, NIV.

Mission is at the very heart of why we exist. We are committed to missions both within Australia and abroad. At present, within Australia, our 12 Baskets ministry reaches out to our local community, whilst overseas we have a strong presence in the Philippines, working through our own church and ministry partners.
Through our church located in the slum areas of Manila, we support young people with education and have recently been engaged by the Philippines government to provide drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Our plans for this church also include an Early Learning Centre. In partnership with ministries in Nepal, we have assisted with church planting, education, and support for orphanages.
We believe that one of the most effective ways of reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples is through church planting.
We are committed to taking every opportunity to raise leaders who will establish new churches, both in Australia and abroad. At present we have established churches on the Gold Coast, Brisbane North, Australia and in Manila, Philippines.